On duplicate key update inserts or updates a row, the last_insert_id() function returns the auto_increment value. the on duplicate key update clause can contain multiple column assignments, separated by commas.. Mysql insert or update - one of the most common problems when it comes to database. we want to check if the record exists in the database, if not we want to update it.. Insert on duplicate key update statement to insert or update data in a table if a duplicate unique key or primary key occurs. if you are providing a duplicate primary key/unique key in the insert option then mysql will update the existing rows with a new value..
Conditional duplicate key updates with mysql. in one of our larger rails apps the sheer volume of data we process means we’ve had to rely more and more on direct sql queries, denormalised tables and summary tables to speed things up.. Since i have a unique key set on the columns i’m interested in, any duplicate rows will not be inserted, thus maintaining my data integrity. here are the speed benchmarks i ran for my particular script with each of the three options i tried.. You have a primary key on the following fields, meaning that when combined they must be unique. primary key (entity_type,entity_id,deleted,language)currently, they are unique because you have two entries in the table for language..