Pdf compressor, from abelssoft, is a useful utility that lets you compress portable document format files to a custom size, either individually or in batch, thereby reducing the amount of space they take up on your computer.. Free pdf compressor adalah aplikasi portable untuk kompres file pdf yang sangat sederhana, berukuran kecil (hanya 288 kb), dan mudah digunakan. cukup download dan jalankan aplikasi ini. kemudian, tekan tombol load dan cari file pdf yang akan kamu compress.. Free download pdf compressor - this application was designed to resize large pdf documents by optimizing and compressing the text and images in orde....
Pdf compressor is a windows utility that compresses scanned pdf files and reduces pdf file size from 30 mb to only 8 mb (compression ratio: 23%) fast and easily. this tool allows users to change the compressing value to get better compressed result and content quality.. Pdf compressor free download - free pdf compressor, free pdf compressor, pdf compressor, and many more programs. Download & compress pdf files now. pdf compressor product version: v4 os: windows xp/2003/vista/7/8/10 or later (32/64 bit) file size: 11.9 mb how to use: click the download button to download the installation file and install. run the program and add your pdf files to start compressing..