Hi syl1,. check if usb debugging option is selected in your device. if not, pls select usb debugging option. you can also check this troubleshooting steps for further assistance, and also this guide on how to connect your device.. kind regards, joy. moto - lenovo agent. Steps to enable developer option and usb debugging in lenovo a6000 go to setting and scroll to the bottom of the settings menu. tap on the about phone option. Here is a quick video which checks whether the device supports usb otg out of the box. usb otg check on lenovo a6000..
Hi. greetings from india! i am facing a unique issue on my lenovo a6000 plus (a6000+). i had connected my phone to a pc which disabled my ability to use the phone as a storage device (basically that pc was coded to disable any usb disk from accessing the pc). A6000 / a6000 plus smartphone. android; or. Langkah selanjutnya klik download (memulai proses flash lenovo a6000) proses flash akan selesai jika muncul notifikasi reset phone dengan diikuti hp lenovo a6000 akan restart otomatis. selanjutnya kita tinggal setting sesuai kebutuhan, seperti setting bahasa, lokasi dan lain sebagainya..