(note: there are multiple values for the key "qwer" and multiple keys for the value "asdf".) 1) is there a better way to return a list of all keys than just doing a foreach on the keyvaluepair list? 2) similarly, is there a better way to return a list of all values for a given key than using a foreach?. The following list describes similarities between x++ and c# regarding their collections that store key-value pairs: both prevent duplicate keys. both use an enumerator (or iterator) to loop through the items. both key-value collection objects are constructed with designations of the types that are stored as key and value.. Since each element of a collection based on idictionary<tkey,tvalue> is a key/value pair, the element type is not the type of the key or the type of the value. instead, the element type is keyvaluepair<tkey,tvalue> ..
How to add key and value in list keyvaluepair using their object during runtime deque iterators is good practise to send stored procedure input parameter as list keyvaluepair in wcf service?. Visual c# https: //social.msdn hi guys, im trying to extract a keyvalue pair from a dictionary for every keyvalue pair that a dictionary contains. actually, if there is no relationship between the index and the key value, i do not think we can get the keyvaluepair just with the index. the dictionary's implementation may not. A dictionary stores key-value pairs where the key must be unique. before adding a keyvaluepair into a dictionary, check that the key does not exist using the containskey() method. use the trygetvalue() method to get the value of a key to avoid possible runtime exceptions. use a foreach or for loop to iterate a dictionary..