Welcome to the forum archive! years of conversation fill a ton of digital pages, and we've kept all of it accessible to browse or copy over. whether you're looking for reveal articles for older champions, or the first time that rammus rolled into an "ok" thread, or anything in between, you can find it here.. **culture** this is the place to report bugs that you find within league of legends. something that occurs within the client, patching related issues, or anything that involves gameplay (stuns not working, unintended interactions between abilities, vision issues, etc.) should be posted here!. When you're finished, check out the boards to join in the latest league of legends discussions. go to boards. in game sound won't work. 1. comment below rating threshold, senior member 01-09-2011. i was forced to reinstall the game, and since then the sound has not been working in game. help please +0..
_**welcome to bug reports!**_ is there something you really can't do without in the client? is udyr displaying as a picasso painting again? this is the place to report bugs in league of legends!. I have been running league of legends in super-resolution mode @2560*1440 for a while due to the higher image quality, however this requires me to also run in fullscreen mode which is slow when alt tabbing to change music, check lolskill etc during loading.. While i'm on a skype call my in game sounds doesn't work anymore. if i only have skype going and not in a call sounds work perfectly but if i talk with someone sounds turn off. i've tried to modify the windows communications options selecting "do nothing" but still don't work. i've checked in skype options too, but can't find anything.